Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Dangers Of Taking Focus Medications For Studying

The Dangers Of Taking Focus Medications For Studying Image via Adderall, the most commonly abused stimulant on college campuses, carries the same effects. Some people believe that since this drug is an actual prescribed medication, it can’t be “that bad.” But, it is. First of all, stimulant drugs are mostly used for school. Good for you? Not exactly. These drugs are abused in order to improve study efficiency. So, naturally, students believe better study habits create better grades. Wrong. According to, “Prescription stimulants do promote wakefulness, but studies have found that they do not enhance learning or thinking ability when taken by people who do not actually have ADHD. Also, research has shown that students who abuse prescription stimulants actually have lower GPAs in high school and college than those who don’t.” What is happening in your body when you do happen to take this drug? To start off, dopamine greatly increases. This chemical in your brain is the neurotransmitter for pleasure, movement, and attention. For actual patients with ADHD, the drug amount is slowly enlarged to steadily reach a beneficial effect. Therefore, when you take someone else’s dosage, it will not cooperate with your brain at all. Additionally, there is more that goes on. Such stimulants increase blood pressure and heart rate, thus putting you at risk for heart attack. The desire to eat and sleep is also decreased. Abuse can lead to malnutrition. With malnutrition comes hostility, paranoia, and serious cardiovascular difficulties. Focusing again on the heightened levels of dopamine, withdrawal symptoms are a factor. Fatigue and depression follow the abuse of stimulants. Consequently, the feeling that is attained when taking such a drug creates a state of euphoria for the user. Dopamine in the brain is rapidly amplified, causing the ecstasy and possibly resulting in the risk of addiction. Image via But wait, why would you need to be in a state of euphoria to study? The truth is, not only is Adderall used for school, it is used for partying. What a shocker it must be. And what a surprise it also must be that there are negative side effects to abusing prescription drugs. Stats from 2012.Image via Students with the prescribed medication carry the legal risk of dealing it. In legal terms, Amphetamine possession without a legal prescription is a crime. (Amphetamines being stimulants). Furthermore, dealing it has serious consequences. It comes down to intent to sell and attempted sale. Charging someone with intent to sell stimulants relies on evidence. It depends on the amount in the defendant’s possession, purity of the drug, and amount of cash from sales. Here is the interesting, yet scary, part, according to “Under the Controlled Substances Act, a person convicted of selling or attempting to sell amphetamines near a school, including a college, or other areas where young people may be present faces  twice  the maximum prison sentence,  twice  the maximum fine, and  twice  the term of supervised release (21 U.S.C. 860).” So if you are thinking of selling amphetamines to your friends for a study-boost, think again. Those convicted of selling stimulants can earn five to 20 years in prison. Or, you can be fined $250,000 to $5 million. And if you happen to be super unlucky: both. Just for additional information, (hopefully this does not apply to any college campus), if someone dies because of your little Adderall sale, you face life in prison. So even if it is for school, it is still super illegal. Good thing there are alternatives to using Adderall for studying. First and foremost, caffeine is your friend. Coffee or soda, it will keep you awake. There is always a Starbucks open somewhere or a vending machine in order. Not only is this option cheaper, it is safer. Waiting until the last minute: we all do it. Start studying days before your exam so you do not have to cram all night and, therefore, result to Adderall. Do not put yourself in the position to take drugs. Skip the party. An effective way to not take drugs is to not be around them. In another perspective, the party will take up hours of study time. Therefore, if you study Saturday, you won’t have to cram Sunday. It all comes down to time management. If you put yourself in a position where you are crammed for time and cannot focus, that is when you start looking for ADHD medications. In conclusion, you do not want to have a heart attack nor do you want to get arrested with a felony. Stimulants can lead you to both. It is a greater risk over reward if there even is a reward.

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